Are Push Notifications The Future Of Effective Marketing - Fifium

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Are Push Notifications The Future Of Effective Marketing

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In an age of the internet, consumers are interacting with companies, in a completely new and effective way, and all the credit goes to, the mobile devices and push notifications. A few years ago, businesses practiced traditional marketing methods, but it was usually been about one-way communication. Although, businesses are having an option, named as “email marketing” also, there are certain drawbacks in that as well. In email marketing, businesses need to get the access to the consumers’ email address, and then target their marketing campaign towards them. Sad to say, but the number of emails that a person receives in a day, makes it a challenge for the businesses to assure that, their marketing campaign gets the attention of the targeted users and is not disposed of by them as a spam mail. 

After realizing the drawbacks of email marketing, businesses decided to follow, the latest trend in the marketing strategies, and that is “MOBILE APPS”. Most of the businesses have deployed, and many are still looking for the deployment of mobile apps, to disperse the required information and also to interact with the targeted audience. Smartphone users, usually, download the app of a brand, with which they have the association and liking towards. This point can be utilized by the businesses, as they can push the highly targeted marketing information that they wish to share with their customers, to the users’ mobile devices via mobile app with the help of “PUSH NOTIFICATIONS”.

What Is Push Notification?

Before digging deep, let me brief you what actually push notification is. Basically, push notification is a message that pops up on a mobile device. These notifications can be sent, by the app publishers anytime, also the users don’t have to be in the app or using their devices to receive them. Thus, push notifications are simple messages sent out from the mobile apps that are installed on a device. The Push technology permits the users, to instantly interact with the information.

Benefits of Push Notifications

Push notifications have numerous benefits, in terms of engaging with customers and driving traffic. Push notification is a vastly underutilized marketing strategy that has the potential for real benefits.

Thus, in this blog, we will identify a few of the benefits.
Higher user engagement 
Incredible conversion rate
Notification Consultant will help build push notifications strategy
Awesome backend support
Super easy to set up
Add multiple websites and people from your team in one account
Implementation Engineer for tech support
Send interest-based, personalized communication 
Collaborate and send more notifications
Customized plans for agencies

Push Notification Strategy

Planning is the most important thing that decides your app’s success or failure. You need to plan in every condition, and push technology is not an exception. Thus, in order to market the app successfully, businesses need to have a well planned and balanced strategy for push notifications. Here are some of the strategies, let us have a look.

•  Use Multichannel strategy 

For a business, a multi-channel approach can be a great way to assist the targeted users, with setting up and engaging with their app fully. With push notifications, businesses can provide succinct messaging, convincing examples, and incentives, with which the users can understand exactly why the app is valuable and worth using. While using the multi-channel strategy, the businesses are required to harness the power and insights of user’s data across channels, to better track the user behavior. Also, the businesses should make it easy for users, to share content on social networks.

•  Personalization 

In push notification platform, message personalization permits the brand to insert the names of the customers, product preferences, and other data in the messages. By doing this, the businesses can reach out to customers more effectively and in a more personalized way. It is to be noted that the customers respond to a business that makes them feel unique, and not a worthless part of the large sea of customers. Thus, personalization leads to higher app engagement and stronger sales.

•  Segmentation

 If you want to put the maximum effect on your users, then you need to segment and filter your users. It is possible with push technology, to compose and customize the messages, and make full use of them. Businesses can also blend the location data and behavioral data well, for effective user targeting.

•  In-app customization

Knowing when to send messages is of crucial importance, as it may be annoying for the users to receive the messages at night. None of us would like to wake up at 3 a.m., just because our phone pings with a promotional offer, however enticing it may be. These messages are best sent at times, when people have time to act, or when people are active, it may be during the morning subway ride, or mid-afternoon on weekdays. Businesses can also customize that, by asking for user permission to setup. This keeps uninstalls and opt-outs to a minimum. Thus, keep it customized.

Thus, push notifications are the most important and widely used marketing strategy, by the businesses these days. Realizing the benefits of push notifications, more and more businesses are getting inclined towards the mobile apps.  Get your mobile app, and connect with your users effectively, and also boost up your sales with a mobile app. 

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